Project Plans

Building Future-Proof Infrastructure
A Phased Approach for Connecting Latah County

The Latah County Broadband Coalition has prepared a multi-million-dollar grant application to address internet infrastructure and availability throughout the County. To further demonstrate the need and support for improving broadband in Latah County, we are requesting additional community input.

The Coalition aims to build a dark fiber network along identified major gaps where there is no fiber optic cable infrastructure. This involves constructing conduit pathways along public rights-of-way filled with multiple strands of fiber optic cables. These pathways – much like highways and roads – would form the baseline infrastructure needed to enable private providers to serve last-mile locations at speeds that exceed what’s available today.

The proposed plan — outlined below — would connect wireless towers with fiber as well as make direct fiber connections to community anchor institutions, like city halls and libraries, and to communities that are population-dense enough to make builds feasible and justifiable, including incorporated cities and, eventually, unincorporated areas.

Not unlike transportation infrastructure, these digital highways will allow commerce, education, healthcare, public safety, and communities to move at 21st century speeds.


Community members interested in providing support for the grant application should download the draft letter below, edit at their discretion, and return via email to [email protected].

If you have general feedback, please let us know by visiting the Contact Us page.



Fill in identified gaps to complete a redundant fiber optic cable loop with 48+ strands of fiber on major routes throughout the County.


Connect unserved and underserved Community Anchor Institutions with dedicated fiber for minimum 1 Gigabit symmetrical service, scalable.


Prepare design plans for fiber-to-the-premise builds in each participating incorporated City.


Connect identified tower locations with fiber backhaul for Latah County Sheriff’s Office, Fire Districts, Emergency Medical Services, Search and Rescue, general public safety, emergency communications, and first responders, as well as any providers who co-locate.


Deploy fiber-to-the-premise builds in participating incorporated cities using designs completed in Phase 3.


Use fiber optic infrastructure built in Phases 1-5 to continue to connect rural residents and businesses located outside of cities, either with fiber line extensions or enhanced fixed wireless.